If you're dealing with persistent pain on the outside of your hip, you might be experiencing Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPS). This common condition often results from irritation of the gluteal tendon or the bursa, which are critical components in your hip's movement and stability.
What Is Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome?
GTPS is a condition that affects the outer part of the hip, and it can cause significant discomfort, especially when walking, sitting for long periods, or lying on the affected side. The pain is often sharp or aching and can radiate down the thigh. This condition is prevalent among active individuals, particularly runners, but it can affect anyone.
Why Am I Experiencing This Pain?
GTPS is typically caused by repetitive stress or overuse, leading to inflammation of the gluteal tendons or the bursa (a fluid-filled sac that reduces friction between tissues). Factors like poor posture, weak hip muscles, or even improper footwear can contribute to the development of this syndrome. Additionally, limited range of motion in the spine and hips can exacerbate the issue.
How Can Chiropractic Care Help?
At Back2Strength, your Eugene chiropractor, we focus on a holistic approach to treating GTPS. Chiropractic care is effective in addressing both the symptoms and underlying causes of this condition. Here's how we can help:
Strengthening the Glutes: One of the primary treatments for GTPS is strengthening the gluteal muscles. These muscles play a vital role in stabilizing your hips and pelvis during movement. We will guide you through targeted exercises that help build strength and reduce the strain on the affected tendons and bursa.
Improving Joint Function: Enhancing the movement patterns in your hips and spine is crucial for long-term relief. Chiropractic adjustments can improve joint function, ensuring that your body moves correctly and reducing the likelihood of further irritation.
Personalized Treatment Plans: Every patient is unique, so we tailor our treatment plans to your specific needs. Whether it's manual therapy, exercises, or lifestyle modifications, we ensure you receive comprehensive care that addresses your condition effectively.
Ready to Find Relief?
Don't let hip pain hold you back. Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome is manageable with the right treatment plan. At Back2Strength, we are committed to helping you get back to your active lifestyle. Schedule an appointment with us today, and let's work together to eliminate your pain and improve your overall hip health.
Call Back2Strength, your trusted Eugene chiropractor, and take the first step toward a pain-free life!
Back2Strength Chiropractic & Spinal Rehabilitation Eugene, OR
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