Can I See A Chiropractor For Scoliosis Treatment?
Chiropractic care for scoliosis treatment in Eugene, OR is an excellent choice when managinga scoliotic curve. Itis estimated that up to 7 million people in the United States suffer from some type of abnormal curvature.
Many people try physical therapy for scoliosis, however, more and more are turning to chiropractic care due to the wholistic and functional approach to treating the body. Let’s start by reviewing the anatomy of the spine.
What you need to know about scoliosis
Your spine is composed of 24 bones called vertebra, that are stacked on top of each other in a relatively straight line when looking from behind. Our spine has normal curves that flow slightly forward and backwards when looking from the side. In the case of scoliosis, our spine will not only flow forwards and backwards but also laterally from side to side. This is present in about 3% of the population and is usually present in children and teenagers. Classically, the progression of the scoliotic curve will stop once the individual is fully grown or has reached skeletal maturity.
Scoliosis Treatment:
Chiropractic care for a scoliotic curve consists of various types of adjustments. Adjustments help ease mechanical restrictions and stimulate the nervous system. Also, strengthening and stretching exercises are essential. Some find massage to be very beneficial as well and as a last resort the use of braces, and surgery can be necessary in very severe cases.
Who gets scoliosis?
Scoliosis typically runs in families and is more commonly seen in females. It is also commonly found in children and teenagers. Females are more susceptible to curve progression (worsening of curve) than males are.
What causes scoliosis?
For the majority of cases (approximately 80%), it is unknown as to what causes scoliosis but it commonly runs in families. Other causes of scoliosis, although not common, are trauma, tumors or infection of the spine.
How do I know if I have scoliosis?
Our Eugene chiropractors are expertly trained in detecting various orthopedic conditions including scoliosis. In the initial exam, a screening test is performed and if necessary an x-ray would be taken in office to confirm the scoliotic curve and its severity.
Will my scoliosis get worse?
After the individual is fully grown and reaches skeletal maturity, there is a low risk of further progress (less than 2%). Although it is unlikely to have a worsening of the scoliotic curve after skeletal maturity, it is important to have your spine evaluated periodically to ensure no further progression.